Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Lord, where did you go?

Often times in our lives, we ask for God to help us in the hardest of times, but when our plea for help isn't answered immediately, we become: discouraged, tired, hurt, angry, sad, lonely. We forget that God answers prayer in His time, and in His way. We may not see a tangible response to our cry out to Him, but He may have answered it in a way that He sees fit that we sometimes can't, and maybe will never, understand. Personally, I have asked God for an increase in patience lately, and I believe He answered my prayers by testing my patience even more; not in an effort to make me angry or upset, but to strengthen me to where I can freely give that patience in situations that may want me to pull my hair out! To learn patience the hard way by almost forcing myself to be more patient with others, especially when situations come up that I have no control over. But, I prayed for it, so I got what I asked for, just not in a way of which I was expecting.

We often feel that our prayers go unanswered when we are praying for loved ones that are sick, or even when we are sick ourselves. "It's just not getting better." "This cross is too heavy, I can't do it." "The medicines are not working." "Why God have You forsaken me?!??" (Even Jesus felt like He had unanswered prayers when He was agonizing on the cross! "DAD, where are you?? I need you right now!!!" would be an easier way to picture the loneliness Jesus was feeling.) Truth is, and I believe this wholeheartedly, God is with you and among you. He is with me and among me. Holding us in our darkest times, letting you know that it will be fine, but to just trust in Him, and He will make it ok. Can you hear Him saying that? If you can't, calm your mind down and listen because He is there! He is comforting the ones afflicted with terminal illnesses, telling them that it will be ok. He has a grand plan, we just often have a hard time seeing it.

"He has a grand plan, we just often have a hard time seeing it" basically sums up our faith, or lack of. When we totally and completely trust in God to lead our lives, we walk by faith. We walk in step with His plan and His glory. We don't need anything else on this earth when we trust in Him, because He will provide what we need at the appropriate times. He will bring people in and out of our lives at the appropriate times to build up our faithfulness in Him. Our greatest and most loyal Father is there, waiting for us to return to Him, to tell Him we need Him, but that we are ready and willing to listen and act. It's so easy to demand from God what we want, but will YOU listen and act when He calls you to do something?

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